When the guys of One Direction in Sarnia, they were really excited to meet their fans at the local mall. They had an interesting surprise set up for one of their fans, and they couldn’t wait to meet her.

      All of the fans visiting the mall put their names into a box when they arrived. Then before the autograph signing began, Niall pulled one name out. He announced the winner-it was Kayla – and invited her to come backstage to have cookies with the band.

     When Kayla walked into the backstage room, the guys were thrilled. Kayla was smiling! She had on cool coloured skinnies and looked so cute wearing light pink lipstick and she couldn't forget to wear her black sparkly TOMS. They all sat down to have some cookies and tea, and asked Kayla about herself. She told them she loves singing, art and soccer and that she wants to be a makeup artist when she grows up.

    The boys all thought Kayla was amazing, but Niall especially liked her. He gave Kayla a special gift-a ruby necklace in the shape of a heart. Kayla loved it! She gave Liam, Harry, Zayn, Niall and Louis all big hugs, and thanked them for the big surprise. The guys all promised to call her next time they were in Sarnia. They were so glad that Kayla had won. It was an awesome trip to the Sarnia mall!

Then their next concert Kayla was there and the boys saw her in the crowd and pulled her onstage and she sang! Next thing you knew she was dating Niall Horan!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

