LOL! oh harry.
We all know harry as the "Dirty" one lolz but he can be sweet!
Here are a few fun facts about Harry!

Harry’s full name is Harry Edward Styles
His star sign is Aquarius
If he could only eat one thing for the rest of his life it would be tacos
Harry said he would date a fan “because if you like someone, you like someone. If they’re a fan it shouldn’t make a difference
Harry’s favourite song is “Free Falling” by John Mayer
He has a cat called Dusty
is moms name is Anne
He can play the kazoo!
His idea of a perfect first date would be the class dinner and a movie
Harry described himself in an interview as “cheeky, curly, and cheeky again”
If he could meet anyone in the world, dead or alvie, it would be David Beckham
He was in a band called White Eskimo at school
He is the youngest member of One Direction
His favourite colour is orange

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    May 2013

